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What is an Osteopath?

Osteopaths are allied health professionals that offer patient-centred approaches to healthcare and functional improvement.  We recognise the vital link between the structure of the body and the way it functions. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation and connective tissue function as a unit. We then integrate this into a biopsychosocial model of patient management.

In Australia, osteopaths are government regulated practitioners who complete minimum of 5 years accredited university training. On top of this they are required to complete annual professional development to enhance their skills.  Osteopaths are able to consult with private patients, under private health funds, as part of CDM care plans or as part of third party payer schemes such as WorkSafe, TAC and the DVA.

What to expect when you book an appointment with Daniel Wood...

On consulting with our resident Osteopath, Daniel Wood, you can expect certain clinical processes to be followed before treatment is given. These clinical processes include a thorough health history, examination, discussion of a proposed treatment plan, provision of advice and information on the risks and benefits of any proposed treatment, and confirmation of willingness to proceed.

After this you may be a candidate to receive manual therapy. Manual therapy involves skilled hands-on treatment provided by an osteopath. Manual therapy may support tissue reparation, movement and recovery.

Daniel has also completed extensive course work around the management of chronic pain and am well versed in educating and explaining this complex multifaceted area. As all consults last for at least 30 minutes he will have the time to cover this complex area in detail with patients.

Other interventions which may be carried out include dry needling/trigger point therapy as well as advice on physical activity, ergonomics, positioning, posture and movement.

Daniel may also prescribe physical exercises so that patients can become empowered in self management. He will utilise an online app-based program so all exercises can be watched at home by patients. This enables higher compliance rates, better self-management, and less confusion on how to complete exercises.

When to see an Osteopath...

A patient can consult an osteopath for musculoskeletal and related pain issues - whether acute or chronic. Common reasons to see an Osteopath include for neck and low back pain, headaches, physical strains, sports injuries, movement issues and chronic pain.